David Whitehead, Hirini Matunga and Scott Graham about trade-offs in reducing N losses and maintaining soil C on dairy farms.
Jo Cavanagh about managing soil contamination in NZ and the Eco-SVGs project.
Paul Mudge about the importance, state and challenges of soil carbon research in NZ.
John Drewry about the extent of pugging and compaction, and its impact on soil quality.
Sam Carrick, David Medyckyj-Scott and Thomas Caspari about finding NZ soil information on the web, and the new Soils Portal.
Sam Carrick and Bryan Stevenson with an update on soil mapping, soil carbon, soil management and soil health in Aoteaora NZ.
Bryan Stevenson and Dean Stronge on the MBIE Endeavour funded programme 'Soil Health and Resilience: oneone ora tangata ora'
Linda Lilburne and Sam Carrick provide an update on S-map Online.
Linda Lilburne and Sam Carrick with an introduction to S-map Online.