SINDI – Soil Quality Indicators
What is SINDI?
SINDI (soil indicators) is a web-based tool designed to help you interpret the quality or health of a soil you have sampled.
Please note: This tool is no longer actively supported and is using an outdated version of the National Soils Database (NSD).
SINDI and SINDI Online
Soil quality is a term that describes the relative condition of soil under a particular land use.
To understand a soils condition, a number of key indicators are measured to identify current condition and trend of chemical, physical and biological attributes of a soil as it is utilized under a particular land use. Different land uses impart different pressures on soil quality, and different soils react in different ways to those land use pressures.
Learn more about SINDI

Key features
- Compare your soil with information from our soils database.
- Assess the intrinsic resources and biological, chemical and physical quality of your soil.
- See how your soil measures up against current understanding of optimal values.
- Learn about the effect each indicator has on soil quality and some general management practices that could be implemented to improve the soil.
SINDI Online
A web-based tool designed to help you interpret the quality or health of soil
SINDI is a web-based tool designed to help land managers interpret the quality or health of a soil under a particular land use relative to (1) an expert interpretation, (2) sites that have been analysed within a monitoring program, and (3) sites from the National Soils Database.

Coverage: New Zealand | Date: 1995 → | License: Terms of use Terms of use |