Our Tools

The right soils tool for the job

Soil data are gathered for many different reasons, each with their own specialist techniques. But wherever they are from, most data finish up in a few key databases managed by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research.

Choose from the tools below. Short descriptions are provided to help you understand what a specific tool is about. If you are still unsure which tool is the right one for you, why not try our tools finder to narrow down your choice?

Explore our Tools

As part of the National Science Challenge 'Our Land and Water' a Resource Finder has been set up. This allows you to search for journal articles, technical reports, presentations, videos, guidance docs, infographics, maps and models produced as part of the challenge.

Our latest news

Know of a soils tool not listed here?

Please get in touch with us. We would be happy to hear from you on how we can further improve our Soils Portal.