Our research capabilities

Our ambition is that New Zealanders use our land, soil, and water resources wisely.

Finding a healthy way to balance land and ecosystem use is critical to our future prosperity, using information and tools to support effective management of our land resources.

Our current research capabilities include:

  • Soil mapping and land capability assessment
  • Soil health, biology and toxicity assessment and management
  • Soil carbon, nitrogen and trace element cycling, including contaminant loss
  • Soil water storage and movement
  • Soil chemistry and physics laboratories, including in-field sensing technologies
  • Modelling of soil processes at scales from the soil profile to the nation
  • Management of the nationally significant National Soils Data Repository (NSDR) and S-map Online website

We have recently greatly expanded our suite of soils research programmes. This has been made possible by funding from MBIE and MPI for new multi-year projects. As shown in the figure below, these new programmes will help us answer some of the big questions in soil research and will have impacts for generations to come.

The strong links between these programmes and farming industry groups will ensure the knowledge generated will be used to help farmers in their ongoing efforts to reduce the impacts of management practices on the environment.